Car-O-Liner Academy
Our Mission
To provide technical training programs for collision repair technicians, insurance personnel and technical instructors in order to increase their knowledge, productivity and the quality of repairs they perform for the motor vehicle industry.
The aim of our training centres is to enhance knowledge of collision repairs, resulting in:
- A higher level of repair quality
- Increased profitability
- Improved employee motivation
- An incentive for every participating individual
Focusing on efficient product use, methods and processes, our courses contain:
- A well-balanced mix of theory and practical exercises
- When training large groups, we adapt the content to suit the customer’s requirements
- The range of courses on offer can also be tailored to suit you and your company
- Each course is concluded with a written/practical test. On passing, participants are awarded a training certificate for Car-O-Liner Academy’s global development program.
Practical Training in Real Life
Car-O-Liner Academy believes in practical training that can enhance your day to day operations. Our training programs are designed with Productivity and Profitability in mind. Technicians operating equipment and performing repairs without proper training are not productive or profitable.
As new vehicle designs and concepts are changing constantly, there comes a need to change repair procedures and training.
Instructor Certification
The Academy training sites must fulfil detailed mandatory requirements before qualifying as a certified Car-O-Liner Academy. The instructors connected to the Academies need to complete a comprehensive training and certification program before achieving Instructor or Master Certification.
Master Instructors
The highest level of certification for Car-O-Liner Academy instructors is Master Instructor, which indicates:
- Many years of collision repair industry experience.
- Proven training skills and experience.
- In many cases multiple language skills.
- OEM training certifications and experience.
OEM Certification
Most of our instructors also have OEM certification or approval allowing them to conduct brand or model specific training.
The learning process is complex, both the instructors' technical skills and teaching expertise are important for the achievement of high levels of learning. Our recruitment policy is always to hire experienced and well-educated instructors, or technicians with extensive hands-on collision repair experience and the necessary attributes that make up a successful instructor.
ASE Certification
As proof that our training courses meet the automotive industry’s requirements, Car-O-Liner Academy has been assessed and certified by The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for compliance with the Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE) standards.
Training standards developed by the industry and the assessment process are managed by ASE’s training foundation – National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). The intensive certification process for complying with ASE’s stringent standards makes Car‑O‑Liner Academy one of the leading providers of collision repair and analysis training.
I-CAR Alliance Member
Car-O-Liner Academy is one of only a few select members of the I-CAR Industry Training Alliance. This means that having successfully completed one of our approved courses, students can convert the hours spent on the course into I-CAR Gold Class points.
I-CAR’s Industry Training Alliance programme gives companies and individuals an alternative method of collecting I-CAR Gold Class points, becoming I-CAR Gold Class Professionals and participating in Platinum Individual Programs. The program is designed to give recognition to technicians and motor vehicle examiners who have already completed other I-CAR approved courses and certificates.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certification
Car-O-Liner Academy is approved and certified in accordance with the requirements in ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004. ISO 9001 is an internationally accepted standard for quality assurance and includes requirements concerning construction, development, production, installation and service.
IS0 14001 is an internationally accepted standard for environmental management and includes requirements concerning an activity's environmental impact.
Other Services
Alignment Academy can provide a wide range of tailor-made services for the global collision repair industry.
Process development
The efficiency of the collision repair process is important to Car-O-Liner Academy, not just in qualitative terms but also from the point of view of productivity and safety.
We have made a study in cooperation with students from Linköping University in Sweden and created a model for KPI measuring of body shop productivity. By keying in basic information the program produces measurable KPI´s to be used for development of the body shop.
Case studies
We are working in close cooperation with several OEMs and offer the opportunity to conduct studies on different repair methods. The report covers time studies and facts based on quality and the latest repair methods.
In order to develop body shops we also deliver GAP-analysis and assessments. We follow our own programmes or programmes supplied by the customers. Our skilled personal can act both as auditors as well as consultants towards the customers' organisation.
Course development
To be able to be flexible to the customer's requirements we have developed several models for specific course development. We cover everything from simple translation of an existing course programmes to setting up structures for new global training programmes.
We are also producing e-learning modules for Car-O-Liner product training.
All training occasions are evaluated either according to our own model or by the customer's. A report is sent regularly to our customer in order to see the progress. We see this as a process for improving our products and organisation.
Our Academy
Regional and Local Product Training
For booking of courses or other requirements please contact Joshua Taylor
For market adapted training programs, booking of certificates, etc at the Car-O-Liner Academy Perth please contact, Joshua Taylor ,